Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Emir Caner and The Quran , a response to his PDF.

By Chaud 

The Quran Vs The Bible

Note : A special thanks to for posting my responses to Ergun Caner's PDF's , with my permission brother Muhammad Khan elaborated on my points with extra details , you can view his version of the articles here

I always thought Emir Caner is a less messed up version of his older brother Ergun but after reading this PDF on Emir's website , my views radically changed , he is as ignorant as his brother Ergun.

Emir allegedly read the Quran since he was a "former Sunni Muslim" , is this true ? Lets find out.

Note : In this article I will not respond to his general defense of the bible , the purpose of this article is to prove Emir never read the Quran nor is he familiar of the fundamental basis of Quranic scholarship  , however I will respond to what I find absurd or goes against mainstream bible scholarship.

Emir Caner's PDF says :

"The Quran...114 Surahs (Chapters) written according to length (6616 verses)." 

Is this some kind of sick joke ?

Emir NEVER read the Quran , if he did he would have known that the shortest Sura in the Quran is Sura 108 yet it is not the final Sura , Sura 103 is shorter than Sura 114....etc  , Muslim children know this but the "former devout Sunni Muslim" does not.

This proves that Emir never read the Quran properly.

Emir Caner's PDF says :

"The Quran...Muhammed doubted revelation given to him at first,even considering it potentially demonic.
(Surah 2:23)."

So what ? Muhammad (pbuh) is a man , just like any one of us , if you encounter the super natural you will be afraid , scared , doubting...etc

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) lived in a society that was strictly pagan , if anything super natural happens they would say "SATAN DID IT ! DEMONS DID IT !" , but Emir does not mention what happened next , how the Angel Gabrial himself came to him afterward , introduced himself ,informed him that the revelation he received is from God and of his divine mission.

Emir Caner's PDF says : 

"The Bible...Though some like Abraham doubted whether the prophecies would come true, no inspired author doubted the source from which it came — God. "

Let me try to get this straight , someone who was inspired by God and knew it was from God DOUBTED the prophecies ? Does this make sense to anyone ? If Abraham (pbuh) allegedly doubted the prophecies , that means he allegedly doubted the authenticity of the revelation , HE DOUBTED GOD ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE.

How can Emir boastfully claim no "inspired" author doubted his "revelation" ? Emir doesn't know who the authors are ! we can't examine their lives , personality and sincerity therefore Emir can not make this claim , please read this , since Emir is a bible scholar I will assume he follows the modern SCHOLARLY VIEW , unless he follows the debunked traditional view.

Add to that , some of these "inspired" authors did not know they were inspired by the holy spirit nor did they claim to be , take author of Luke for example :

"Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus" [Luke 1:3]

The author of Luke was writing down his findings , he did not believe he was writing an inspired Gospel.

Emir Caner's PDF says :

"The Qur’an is the ultimate miracle or God, the only miracle that Muhammed claimed.(Surah 10:38; 17:88)"

Did you all notice something weird ? lets quote again:

"The Qur’an is the ultimate miracle or God"

Muslims do not believe the Quran is God ! Emir could have possibly made a spelling error and used "or" instead of "of" , however I think Emir believes Muslims believe The Quran is God because he is ignorant enough to believe it , in the end he is the one who claimes that Shk.Abdul Wahab was a prophet.

Emir Caner's PDF says : 

"The Qur’an has been perfectly preserved.(Surah 15:9). Ironically, Arthur Jeffery, in Materials for the History of the Text of the Qur’an, demonstrates that the compilation of the Qur’an required editing."

Emir is so desperate , he can't quote Muslim sources ! we have every single detail of the compilation of the Quran documented in our authentic sources , yet Emir mentions Arthur Jeffery , this is sad.

Please watch this debate between brother Bassam Zawadi and another fake ex muslim Nabeel Qureshi on the preservation of the Quran , Nabeel uses the exact same argument and gets exposed.

Emir Caner's PDF says : 

"The Bible has been perfectly preserved in its original manuscripts. The problem is not lack of evidence, by the vast amount of copies, a few of which may differ."

We already know that the manuscripts are contradictory , but did you all notice what Emir did ?

"The Bible has been perfectly preserved in its original manuscripts."

Ok , let me assume this is true , can Emir show me these manuscripts ? the answer is no , all he can show is flawed copies of copies of copies....of the original but no original , how can this possibly establish a case for perfect preservation like the Quran does ?

This is how Emir's argument sounds like :

"Well , there are errors in the bible we have today because of the contradictory copies , but there is a lost document that contains the original ! "

Please read this brief article.

Emir Caner's PDF says :

"The Qur’an claims to be consistent and noncontradictory — fully unified. Yet Muhammed changed some revelations, claiming better inspiration.(Surah 24:2; 53:21-23) "

First of all there is no evidence that prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was changing his revelation , no serious historian makes that claim , however ignorant Islamophobes do.

Second , Emir is referring the doctrine of abrogation , which deals with temporary Sharia' laws , for more please consult this post.

Emir Caner's PDF says :

"The Bible, written over a period of 1500 years with 40 different authors, has no discrepancies. Simply put, Scripture interprets Scripture."

Can Emir show me these 40 authors ? he definitely can't.

Has no discrepancies ? I doubt that.

Emir ends his ridiculous PDF with these 2 verses :

"Surah 10:94 If you were in doubt as to what We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before you: the Truth has indeed come to you from your Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt."

Does Emir actually think we Muslims (or at least Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) are ordered to ask the Jews and Christians on the revelation of the Quran if we are in doubt , absolutely not !

First of all there is no evidence that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked the Jews and Christians to verify the revelation of the Quran for him , which means he did not understand this verse to mean what Emir wants it to mean.

Second , we know the response of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) he said according to Ibn Kathir in his commentary :

Qutadah bin Dua'am said we have recieved that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said : "I have no doubts" , this has reported through Ibn Abbas , Said bin Jubair and Al-Hassan Al-Basri as well.

This same response in mentioned by Al-Jalalyn , At-Tabari and Al-Qurtubi.

I can honestly say Emir never read any of the major commentaries on the Quran as well.

"II Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God (Godbreathed), and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Paul is referring to the Old Testament since the New Testament didn't exist went he wrote that , even if a Christian wants to argue this refers to the New Testament as well , this does not change the fact that the criteria given by Paul himself debunks their case.

Late Shk.Ahmed Deedat (rahamt allah a'lyhi) in his debate with Dr.Anis Shorrosh on the Quran and the Bible mentions this verse :

"One day Samson went to Gaza, where he saw a prostitute. He went in to spend the night with her." [Judges 16:1]

and he wonders:
-where is the doctrine ? does Christianity teach that when you see a prostitute , you spend the night with her ?
-where is the reproof ? did God punish Samson for his action ?
-where is correction ? did God tell Samson to marry her then he can spend the night with her ?
-where is the instruction in righteousness ? THERE IS NON !

Many stories in the do not fall into any of these 4 categories , thus according to Paul they are not inspired.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More Evidence Proving That Ergun Caner Is A Fake [Introduction]

By Chaud  

Fake Ex-Muslim "Dr".Ergun Caner has demonstrated his ignorance of Islam and the Arabic language on several occasions , the case is closed and the verdict is out , Ergun Caner is a fraud , in this article series I am going to provide more evidence to support this fact from the RESOURCE PDFs published on his website.

I will prove that Ergun's publications are full of misquotations ,anti-islamic propaganda and factual errors , most of the errors and arguments in these PDFs are not made by former Muslims since they actually know the Quran and what it teaches , unlike Ergun Caner.

Please navigate with the links above and start with " Glossary of Arabic Terms " because it contains a great deal of the evidence.

  1.  Some of these PDFs are published on John Ankerberg's website here , this shows that John has no interest in publishing facts rather he is interested in spreading false propaganda.
  2. I am responding the errors in these PDFs , not the whole publication.

More Evidence Proving That Ergun Caner Is A Fake [Jihad Vs. Religious Liberty]

By Chaud  

This PDF does not deserve a response , like you all saw I don't mind taking Ergun's arguments head on , but he brought no facts in this PDF , only absurdities and false propaganda , the same propaganda uttered by every islamophobe.

However I will touch on a few points and provide a number of Muslim articles about Jihad and what it really means.

Before I begin I will revisit one of Ergun Caner's errors in "Glossary of Arabic terms" , to clarify quickly what the meaning of Jihad is in Islam.

"JIHAD: “Holy fighting.”"
This mistake is usually made by fake ex-muslims who resent Islam , just like Ergun.

Jihad in Islam has multiple and a wide definitions depending on context , but there is not a single authoritative definition that says "Holy fighting" , in the context of war , Jihad does mean to fight back the enemy in the name of God , but this is no the greater meaning of Jihad in Islam or Arabic , for more about this please read this (recommended reading before you continue)

In the Arabic language Jihad means "to strive" or "to struggle" , in Islam it means to strive for righteousness , for example it takes "Jihad" [جهاد] to resist alcohol .

The problem with Christians who adhere to the false definition is that they do not know the same word "Jihad" [جهاد] in their bible , and in the Arabic New Testaments to be specific. (Source)

Luke 22:44
وَإِذْ كَانَ فِي جِهَادٍ كَانَ يُصَلِّي بِأَشَدِّ لَجَاجَةٍ، وَصَارَ عَرَقُهُ كَقَطَرَاتِ دَمٍ نَازِلَةٍ عَلَى الأَرْضِ.

Philippians 1:30
إِذْ لَكُمُ الْجِهَادُ عَيْنُهُ الَّذِي رَأَيْتُمُوهُ فِيَّ، وَالآنَ تَسْمَعُونَ فِيَّ.

Colossians 2:1
فَإِنِّي أُرِيدُ أَنْ تَعْلَمُوا أَيُّ جِهَادٍ لِي لأَجْلِكُمْ، وَلأَجْلِ الَّذِينَ فِي لاَوُدِكِيَّةَ، وَجَمِيعِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يَرَوْا وَجْهِي فِي الْجَسَدِ،

1 Thessalonians 2:2
بَلْ بَعْدَ مَا تَأَلَّمْنَا قَبْلاً وَبُغِيَ عَلَيْنَا كَمَا تَعْلَمُونَ، فِي فِيلِبِّي، جَاهَرْنَا فِي إِلهِنَا أَنْ نُكَلِّمَكُمْ بِإِنْجِيلِ اللهِ، فِي جِهَادٍ كَثِيرٍ.

1 Timothy 6:12
جَاهِدْ جِهَادَ الإِيمَانِ الْحَسَنَ، وَأَمْسِكْ بِالْحَيَاةِ الأَبَدِيَّةِ الَّتِي إِلَيْهَا دُعِيتَ أَيْضًا، وَاعْتَرَفْتَ الاعْتِرَافَ الْحَسَنَ أَمَامَ شُهُودٍ كَثِيرِينَ

2 Timothy 4:7
قَدْ جَاهَدْتُ الْجِهَادَ الْحَسَنَ، أَكْمَلْتُ السَّعْيَ، حَفِظْتُ الإِيمَانَ،

Hebrews 12:1
لِذلِكَ نَحْنُ أَيْضًا إِذْ لَنَا سَحَابَةٌ مِنَ الشُّهُودِ مِقْدَارُ هذِهِ مُحِيطَةٌ بِنَا، لِنَطْرَحْ كُلَّ ثِقْل، وَالْخَطِيَّةَ الْمُحِيطَةَ بِنَا بِسُهُولَةٍ، وَلْنُحَاضِرْ بِالصَّبْرِ فِي الْجِهَادِ الْمَوْضُوعِ أَمَامَنَا،

Go to any English translation of these verses , somehow it will always have a positive meaning of struggling and putting effort for the truth , did the Arab Christians make a mistake ? because according to Ergun , it seems like Jesus was on an unjustified violent holy war , Paul was on an unjustified violent holy war , and all Christians are commanded to go on a violent unjustified holy war as well.  (More Evidence Proving That Ergun Caner Is A Fake [Glossary of Arabic Terms] - Jihad)

 Ergun knows he can not find a single authoritative hadith , verse from the Quran , scholarly definition that can support his claims on Jihad , so he gives no definition to the term "Jihad" to somehow allude to the islamophobic definition of the term.

Another problem with people like Ergun , they can not answer or refute other points related to Jihad like the Greater Jihad which is a personal struggle to be ethical and righteous , or the laws of war in Islam , all Muslims must adhere to this law , when Muslims go to war they do not kill civilians , women , children , animals , plants , they are forbidden to burn homes , destroy crop , loot....etc

Ergun's PDF begins with  


Did Ergun address the issue of religious liberty in Islam ? NO ! he is assuming religious liberty does no exist in Islam and somehow exists in the New Testament (when in reality it doesn't) , this former "sunni Muslim" never read seera books , hadith or even the Quran , I will use one example from the Quran , a whole chapter on religious liberty , does Ergun know this chapter exists ? I doubt it.

1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2. I worship not that which ye worship,
3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6. To you be your Way, and to me mine. (Quran , Sura 109 The Disbelievers)

With these facts in mind , let us move on.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Islam......Guilty of atrocious crimes against humanity.(Crusades in the past, Sudan in the present)"

Where does Islam teach atrocious crimes ? If certain "Muslims" in the past were guilty of certain crimes then blame them , if Ergun wishes to blame Islam he must show beyond any doubt that Islam's teachings are responsible.

Sudan in the present ? Readers , I listed the laws of war according to Islam , do the "jihadists" in Sudan comply with these laws ? How can this be "Islamic Jihad" if the EXPLICIT laws of Jihad are not being followed ? if the Quran is not being followed ?

"Christianity......Guilty of atrocious crimes against humanity. (Crusades in the past, none in the present)"

Unlike Ergun I am not a double standard hypocrite , I do believe that Christianity just like Islam is a religion that teaches peace and ethics , I do not believe all the violence going on the world is from religion (except the violence committed by the satanic state of Israel) , so I will not accuse Christianity of any violence.

Ergun argues that Christianity is not guilty of any present crimes , lets adapt his methodology which can be summarized as : 
1- Find a state with some violence in it , disregarding how and why the violence exists.
2- Find Christians comitting them.
3- Rip their scriptures out of context.
4- Ignore what their scriptures really say on the issue of peace and war.
5- Write a document about it.

and that is what I will do. 

We all heard about the current Muslim-Christian violence going on in Nigeria , while the media likes to conceal the truth , in reality the Muslims did not start the violence there , it was THE CHRISTIAN CONTROLLED GOVERNMENT THAT TREATS MUSLIMS LIKE 2ND CLASS CITIZENS 

"The government there is Christian-controlled, and Muslims have complained they are treated as second-class citizens there. Aid workers said the most recent violence came in response to a January attack in Muslim areas." (Source)

Do more research on this topic (Religious violence in Nigeria) and see for yourself what Christianity is guilty of according to the standards set by Ergun Caner himself.

Now for scriptures , do I need to remind Ergun that he believes in the Old Testament ? the most violent book of all time ? weather he believes it's abrogated or not , it can still influence violence and backward thinking in the world .

some examples from the "all loving God" :

When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you- and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. (Deuteronomy 7:1-2)

"Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourself every girl who has never slept with a man." (Numbers 31:17-18)

Hence according to Ergun's methodology , Christian violence is supported by scriptures.

Note to Christians : I do not hold this view , I am showing how absurd Ergun is , if you got a problem with this , then you know you have a problem with Ergun Caner.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Based in their scriptures. (Surah 9:5; 9:29)" 

I would say "Based on your ignorance , Sura 9:5 & 9:29 teaches unnecessary violence" .

Islamophobes like Caner totally ignore the historical context , the reasons of revelation , what Islam has to teach about violence and peace as a whole .

Dr Jamal Badawi explains these verses along with the context in the following video :

So let me get this straight , it's ok for the non-believers to attack and kill Muslims and Muslims are not allowed to defend themselves ? because this is what Ergun believes weather he knows it or not.

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Since conversion of state to Islam comes via the sword, Church and State should be combined."

There a number of difficulties and errors here , I previously explained the reasons Muslims might go to war could be self defense or to promote religious freedom.

First of all since when did the conversation of a state to Islam comes ONLY via sword ? I challenge Ergun to bring one authentic historical source that records one Muslim solider going to Indonesia (currently the biggest Muslim state) or East Africa.

2nd , this assertion creates even more historical problems , How did the Mongols become Muslim ? The Mongols where the only case in history in which the invader adapts the religion of the invaded , how did the weak defeated Muslims convert the Mongols ? How did the Mongolian empire become a Muslim state ? By the sword ? No historian says it was by the sword, but by the teachings if Islam .

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Membership into Islamic faith from birth. The father speaks the Creed into his child’s ear."
This has nothing to do with the topic , but he makes a factual error here.

When Muslims welcome a newborn into this world , the father does not speak the creed (shahada) into the child's ear , the father speaks the AZAN (the call for prayer) , I thought Ergun was the son of Mu'zin ? and he does not know the difference between the Azan and the shahada , amazing !

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Since Evangelical Christians hold to a Believers’Church, Church and State should remain separate."

Christians like Ergun like to pretend their faith has nothing to do with politics and the state when in reality they bring up the bible all the time ! which Christian supports the liberation of pornography ? strip clubs , drugs , divorce ? the oppose all this because of their faith and what the bible teaches.

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Membership into the Christian body is voluntary and personal. The person must make a profession of faith when reaching the age of understanding."

What a joke ! what do Christian do to their children before the age of understanding ? they teach them the bible , it's stories , it's theology ("Jesus died for your sins") , no wonder he/she will profess faith since he/she was taught to believe it with no evidence.

There is a fact we all must accept , children are usually converted to a certain faith by their parents , or by birthrights , Christianity is not better .

In Islam , a person is accounted for his/her actions and beliefs when reaching the age of understanding , so if Ergun wishes to make that argument for Christianity , it is easily applicable for Islam as well.

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Where Christians are a minority, they are limited in their freedoms. They cannot worship openly,denominations cannot give an education, etc.Tragically, millions have given their lives for the faith."

I see no limited freedoms where I live , Christians still give out pamphlets , talk about faith openly , we have discussions with them all the time ,  and "limited freedom" is not supported by Islam .

Millions have given their lives for the faith ? Limited freedom in Islam ? I ask Ergun to entertain us with evidence and sources because this is a lie uttered by the Coptic Christians all the time !

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"(Islam).....Infidels have no right to exist(Hadith 9:57) , (Christianity) Infidels should be protected in order to give them every opportunity to accept the Gospel. (2 Peter 3:9)"

What kind of reference is this ? This is reference to nothing ! which hadith collection is he referring to ? Burkhari , Muslim , Musnad Ahmad ? 

this what I meant by double standard hypocrisy , Ergun doesn't mind quoting Sura 9:5 , why doesn't he quote Sura 9:6 ? what is he afraid of ? it is the same "violent" sura that teaches "Jihad: , I'll tell you why because it refutes his case and exposes him as a lair.

"If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah. and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge." (Sura 9:6)
This is exactly what 2 Peters 3:9 teaches (according to Ergun) , no where does Islam teach that the nonbeliever has no right to exist , however I can bring a couple of old testament bible verses.
Ergun's bogus conclusion : 

"(Islam) If they act according to what their scriptures say, violence and force is commanded.(Christianity) If they act according to what their Scriptures say peace is commanded."

Did he bring any evidence to support this claim ? Do I need to bring up the Old Testament to prove how Christianity can never bring peace ? Unnecessary violence and force is not taught in Islam , but Ergun is deluded when he believes it is based on his false understanding of Islam due to the fact he was never a Muslim to begin with.

I recommend reading this article :

Jihad: A War Against All Non-Muslims or Not?: by Kevin Abdullah Kareem 

More Evidence Proving That Ergun Caner Is A Fake [Jehovah God vs Allah]

By Chaud  

This has got to be one of the worse publications I have ever seen ! is this a joke ? I had thoughts back and forward....should I respond or not ? I decided to respond to show how ignorant Ergun is.

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"God does not change.James 1: 17: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no varying, neither shadow of turning."

How does this explain the alleged incarnation ? God who is infinite becoming finite (a man) ? God who is timeless became subjected to time ? The Old Testament makes it clear that God is not a man , so if God doesn't change , how did he become a man thus CHANGING ?

"Allah of Islam changes.Surah 2: 106 If We supersede any verse or cause it to be forgotten, We bring a better one or one similar. Do you not know that Allah has power over all things!"

Muslims ! do you know any scholar who understands this verse this way ? This verse is speaking about the doctrine of abrogation , in specific on the abrogation of certain laws , what does this have to do with God changing ? by the way God does not change in Islam.

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"God loves everyone.John 3: 16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…"

As a Muslim I do not claim that Allah (swt) loves everyone equally , but the claim that God unconditionally loves everyone is ABSURD , it's not logical nor is it biblical.

If God loves everyone unconditionally , why did he create hell ? why did he order the death of women and children in the Old Testament ? Does God love satan ? Does God love serial killers ? Christians might try to argue that God hates the sin not the sinner , well the bible does not support this claim at all.

4 You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil;
with you the wicked cannot dwell.
 5 The arrogant cannot stand in your presence;
you hate all who do wrong.
 6 You destroy those who tell lies;
bloodthirsty and deceitful men
the LORD abhors. (Psalm 5:4-6)

23 You must not live according to the customs of the nations I am going to drive out before you. Because they did all these things, I abhorred them. (Leviticus 20:23)

13Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated." (Romans 9:13)

What a great all loving God !

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Allah is tempermental.Surah 32: 13:If we so willed, we could have brought every soul its true guidance,but the word from me will come true: ‘I will fill Hell with demons and men all together.’ "

This man has the audacity to fabricate this lie ! he believes in the Old Testament ! did he read the Old Testament ? God there is jealous and proud of it , he is the one who has a temper .

How does this verse prove that Allah has a temper ? I would really appreciate a response from Ergun explaining this absurdity because a simple reading of this verse does not prove that Allah has a temper.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Allah deceives.Surah 8: 30: They plot and plan, and Allah, too plans, but the best of planners (deceivers) is Allah."

Ergun quotes the verse correctly , but insists on adding "deceivers" to prove his point , this is pathetic.

The word "MAKR" in the Arabic language has 2 different meanings , one of blame (mathmum) and one of praise (mahmood) , in this verse it is of praise (mahmood) meaning "to plan" , God plans and still plans , and he is the best of planners, is this hard for Ergun to believe ?

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Islam believes the Christian trinity is God the Father, God the Mother (Mary) and God the Son (Jesus). Surah 5: 116: “And behold! God will say: O Jesus the son of Mary didst say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods’ in derogation of Allah?"

This misunderstanding happens when trinitarians try to shove their beliefs into the Quran , this verse does not even mention the trinity ! so how can it be addressing it ?

Muslims have refuted this claim over and over again , just search the internet and see for yourself , I believe the best explanation is that this verse is addressing those who took Jesus and Mary (peace be upon them both) as intercessors between God and man , thus committing shirk.

In the "Jesus vs Muhammad" section in Ergun's PDF , he relies heavily on the book of Revelation and the letters , I do not want to go into a biblical authenticity discussion , so I will ignore it and focus on his false accusations against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and some of issues regarding Jesus (pbuh).

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Jesus forbade the use of the sword.Matthew 26: 52: Then said Jesus unto him,Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."

I assume Ergun believes Jesus is God , did he read the Old Testament ? "Jesus" ordered nations to be destroyed , women , children , even donkeys to be put down by the sword , does this verse Ergun quotes erase all that ? This is hypocrisy at its best.

This verse also begs the question , if Jesus forbade the use of a sword , why did he order the disciples to get them in the first place ?

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Muhammed taught revenge.Surah 2: 194 The sacred month for the sacred month, prohibitions are (subject to) retaliation. If any one aggresses against you, so aggress against him with the likeness of that which he has aggressed against you."

The limits of Ergun's desperation to discredit and slander prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is amazing !

All Muslims know that "revenge" is totally forbidden in Islam , Islam teaches something similar to "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" but it urges forgiveness and doing good to those who have harmed you depending on the situation , a fair balance.

Imam Al-Qurtubi gives is the reason of revelation in his commentary :

"The  disbelievers said to the prophet - peace be upon him - : "Did you forbid o'Muhammad fighting in the sacred months ? he (the prophet) said : Yes , yet they (the disbelievers) want to fight , so this verse was revealed. The meaning : if they (the disbelievers) did not forbid fighting in this months , then fight back , so Allah allowed this for self defense" (Source)
Does this look like a teaching of "revenge" ? NO ! it is righteous teaching of self defense ?

For more on the teachings of forgiveness in Islam click here (recommended reading).

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Muhammed was Sinful. Surah 18: 110: Say: 'I am only a human like you, revealed to me is that your God is One God. Let him who hopes for the encounter with his Lord do good work, and not associate anyone with the worship of his Lord.' "

In what loony-toon fairy tale does this prove Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was "sinful" ? Yes Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was only a human , we do not claim he is God , how does this prove he was sinful ?

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Jihad is the only eternal security.Surah 3: 157: And if you are slain, or die in the way of Allah,forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all they could amass."

The concept of Jihad , salvation in Islam along with a refutation for this can be found here and here.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Allah forces worship.Surah 2: 193: Fight against them until there is no dissension, and the religion is for Allah. Surah 9: 29: Fight those who neither believe in Allah nor the Last Day, who do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, and do not embrace the religion of the truth, being among those who have been given the Book (Bible and the Torah), until they pay tribute out of hand and have been humiliated."

I am not sure if Ergun lives on planet earth anymore , how do these verses prove Allah (swt) forces worship ? these are war time verses that deal with the time of war in certain situations , and poorly translated too.

How can Allah (swt) force worship when he says explicitly in the Quran :

"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things." (Sura 2:256) 

More Evidence Proving That Ergun Caner Is A Fake [Jesus Christ vs Muhammad]

By Chaud  

Did Ergun read one authentic biography of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ? Is this comparison valid ? You decide. 

The PDF starts with : 


What is he trying to say ? Jesus Christ is eternal ? I'd like to see him prove that a man who was born of a woman and died on cross was "eternal".

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Sixth and final prophet sent to defend monotheism (Surah 48:8-9)."

So this "former muslim" thinks Allah (swt) sent 6 prophets into the world ? did he read the Quran ?  the Quran mentions 25 prophets and Muslims believe that Allah (swt) sent 124000 prophets into the world through out history until the advent of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the beginning of his ministry.

It seems like Ergun confuses the number of prophets in Islam , with the mightiest prophets sent to man-kind according to Islamic theology (arranged according to time) :

1- Noah (pbuh)
2- Abaraham (pbuh)
3- Moses (pbuh)
4- Jesus (pbuh)
5- Muhammad (pbuh) 

Does this look like 6 ? Did Ergun pass 1st grade mathematics ? 

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Married 10 women and had 2 other concubines. In fact, his youngest wife Aisha was six when they engaged and nine when consummated in marriage. (Surah 33:28)"

and ? what is he trying to prove ? is Ergun anti-marriage or something ?

So Ergun knows that Aisha was 6 and the marriage to her was consummated when she was 9 , how come he tried to deceive his readers over here ?
Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Never knew a woman."

So let me get this straight , the bible mentions Jesus's birth , then some things he did when was 12....Abra Kadabra !! he is now 30 ! 18 years of his life , not a single record of what he was doing and the problems is not there ! his 3 years of ministry as the bible records is extremely contradictory , if it wasn't for my Muslim faith I would argue this man is a myth , how can anyone verify anything personal with this obscure character ? 

Note : I am not accusing Jesus (pbuh) of adultery , I am just pointing to the fact that Ergun can't prove that his "man-god" never knew a woman.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Doubted whether the revelation he received was divine or demonic."

So what ? Muhammad (pbuh) is a man , just like any one of us , if you encounter the super natural you will be afraid , scared , doubting...etc 

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) lived in a society that was strictly pagan , if anything super natural happens they would say "SATAN DID IT ! DEMONS DID IT !" , but Ergun does not mention what happened next , how the Angel Gabrial himself came to him afterward , introduced himself ,informed him that the revelation he received is from God and of his divine mission.
Ergun Caner's PDF says :
"He Himself was the divine revelation, knowing His purpose of being born was to die.(Luke 19:10) "
He himself was a revelation ? When did Jesus (pbuh) claim to be one ? which disciple understood him to be revelation ? and don't get me started on Paul ! 

So God's purpose of being born was to die ? this is absurd , this reminds me of heavy metal lyrics , not divine revelations.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Won a following by military victory and/or forced conversion. "

This is exactly why I doubt Ergun never read an authentic biography , forced conversions NEVER HAPPENED , it is not recorded in our sources, and even contemporary Christian sources ! for more about this please read this (recommended reading).

How can Ergun explain all the conversions that happened in Mecca ? or the huge number of people who came to Islam peacefully during the final years of the life of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ? based on Ergun's history I can understand why he needs to come up with this garbage.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :
"Viewed men as superior to women.(Surah 4:34)"

Islam teaches that men and women are equal but different , please consult this  (recommend reading).

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Did not know his eternal destiny.(Hadith 5.266)"

What a lie ! please reading this article by Bassam Zawadi (recommend reading).
Ergun Caner's PDF says :
"He is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe,Himself Judge.(John 1:1-18) "

A man created the universe , yet another biblical absurdity.

This topic is very huge and subjected to extreme debate , so I will recommend the reader to check out the argument online , but I personally recommend watching this debate between Abdullah Al-Andalusi and James White on the topic of the trinity , it is very educational.

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Muhammed shed other people’s blood."

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never went to war or order the death of certain individuals without a valid reason , if "shedding blood" is a problem for Ergun why does accept the Old Testament and its God ?

More Evidence Proving That Ergun Caner Is A Fake [Islam vs Grace]

By Chaud  

This PDF by Ergun is all about false propaganda , the title "Islam vs Grace" suggests that somehow Islam has no grace , this stems from Ergun Caner's ignorance of religion and the concept of grace in Islam.

There is a the concept of grace in Islam ; The Qur'an describe God as good. Speaking of Allah's favor, grace and kindness, the Qur'an uses words derived from the Arabic roots RDW[روض], FDL[فضل], LTF[لطف] and N'M[نِعَم]. According to the Qur'an Allah(swt) manifests his grace in spiritual and material blessings bestowed upon human beings. Allah is the constant giver (surah 3:6; 38:8; 52:28). Allah shows his common grace in the creation of man and all other creatures, including the angels (surah 15:29-35; 17:72; 38: 71-85).

One of the 99 excellent names of Allah(swt) is "Ar-Rahman" [الرحمن] which means "The Compassionate, The Beneficent, The Gracious" (source) ,The Qur'an emphasizes over and over again that Allah is "Merciful", the "sum of all that is good." Surah 7:156 even says "My mercy comprehends all."This common grace of Allah, his benevolent kindness towards creation.

Ergun fails to realize this , and thus he comes up with his ridiculous publication.

Under the title in Ergun's PDF you will see "ISLAM AND SALVATION BY WORKS" , one of the biggest misunderstandings of Islam ! only ignorant fools utter this , well I guess Ergun falls into that category.

Salvation in Islam depends on FAITH AND WORKS (GOOD DEEDS) , works without faith is meaningless , and faith without good deeds in hypocrisy (unless there are certain circumstances that prevent doing the works) , Sura 103 of the Quran teaches explicitly the concept of salvation in Islam:

1. By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),
2. Verily Man is in loss,
3. Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. 

Does this sound like salvation by works ? verse 3 gives the first condition for salvation "faith" , it is the first requirement for anyone who wants to be saved , you don't even need reach this Sura , its written all over the Quran ! and somehow this "former devout Sunni Muslim" did not know this.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Salvation based on scales. (Surah 17:13-14)"

I've already shown the concept of salvation in Islam , and our salvation is not "based" on the scales , Ergun is so ignorant of Islam he only knows a few words and concepts , he knows the term "scales" , he searched the Quran for it and labeled it as our concept of salvation.

All Muslims know that the Shahada (our creed) and our faith outweighs any bad deed (except for shirk) , as long as you are sincere ,you have faith and proved that faith through your works , you are saved.

The 2 verses Ergun quotes are not an explicit teaching of salvation, they are narrating to us what will happen on the day of judgment.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Salvation based on a lifetime confession of faith in Allah and his messenger Muhammed (Surah 1:2-4).........Salvation based on a personal confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.(Romans 10:9-13)"

Notice what Ergun did , he is making sure that the word "personal" is used in the Christian side of the comparison and uses the word "life long" with the Islamic side , does this man even know the conditions of the Shahada ? The Shahada is meaningless without these critical conditions :

1-Al-`Ilm [العلم]: Knowledge of the meaning of the Shahadah, its negation and affirmation.
2-Al-Yaqeen [اليقين]: Certainty – perfect knowledge of it that counteracts suspicion and doubt.
3-Al-Ikhlaas [الإخلاص]: Sincerity which negates shirk.
4-Al-Sidq [الصدق]: Truthfulness that permits neither falsehood nor hypocrisy.
5-Al-Mahabbah [المحبة]: Love of the Shahadah and its meaning, and being happy with it.
6-Al-Inqiad [الإنقياد]: Submission to its rightful requirements, which are the duties that must be performed with sincerity to God (alone) seeking His pleasure.
7-Al-Qubool [القبول]: Acceptance that contradicts rejection.

The second part of the Shahada carries several conditions as well:
1-To believe in the Prophet and in whatever he said and conveyed in his message as the seal of the prophets.
2-To obey him in whatever he commanded.
3-To stay away from or avoid whatever he commanded Muslims not to do.
4-To follow or emulate him in our 'ibadah (worship), akhlaq (manners), and way of life.
5-To love him more than you love yourself, your family and anything else in this world.
6-To understand, practice, and promote his Sunnah in the best way possible, without creating any chaos, enmity or harm.

All these conditions prove that the Muslim shahada is as personal as anything else.

Note : Ergun Caner does not know the Shahada as proven over here.

The verse Ergun refers to have nothing to do with the topic in hand , they does not mention prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

2. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;
3. Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
4. Master of the Day of Judgment. (Sura 1:2-4)

I have no idea why he referred to these verses , perhaps to give an impression that he can refer to something in order deceive the simple Christian reader.
Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"God is impersonal; therefore, obedience to the five pillars is most important.(Surah 2:277) "

We do not believe that God is impersonal and I am sick of this argument ! Christian Islamophobes , just because you believe that God committed suicide on a cross does not make him a personal God , you can claim and claim and claim , that will never make it true , you can call what you have a relationship , but Jesus never called it that nor do the 4 gospels , unlike what we find in the Quran :

"It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than his jugular vein." (Qur'an 50:16)

In a hadith Qudsi , Allah says if a believer comes to him walking , he comes to him running , if this is not a personal relationship I do not know what is , but it is defiantly not cosmic child abuse and murder.

The verse Ergun refers to actually refutes his whole case , Sura 2:277

"Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

This verse actually teaches the concept of salvation in Islam , there is the belief , the deeds , and the reward , I agree with the Ergun that this verse teaches that the pillars of Islam are important , but the pillars mean nothing if there is no faith.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"God is personal and incarnate; therefore,relationship with our Heavenly Father is most important (Isaiah 9:6; John 20:28)" 

Why did Ergun mention Isaiah 9:6 ? This verse does not prove that God is incarnate nor does it point to Jesus, for a detailed analysis of Isaiah 9:6 please read this.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Unconditional love based on the blood of Jesus Christ.(Romans 5:8)"
As a Muslim I do not claim that Allah (swt) loves everyone equally , but the claim that God unconditionally loves everyone is ABSURD , it's not logical nor is it biblical.

If God loves everyone unconditionally , why did he create hell ? why did he order the death of women and children in the Old Testament ? Does God love satan ? Does God love serial killers ? Christians might try to argue that God hates the sin not the sinner , well the bible does not support this claim at all.

4 You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil;
with you the wicked cannot dwell.
 5 The arrogant cannot stand in your presence;
you hate all who do wrong.
 6 You destroy those who tell lies;
bloodthirsty and deceitful men
the LORD abhors. (Psalm 5:4-6)

23 You must not live according to the customs of the nations I am going to drive out before you. Because they did all these things, I abhorred them. (Leviticus 20:23)

13Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated." (Romans 9:13)

What a great all loving God !

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"Heaven is pictured as men sitting on couches being served wine by perpetual virgins.
(Surah 4:57)"

This is only one image out of many  , where are the verses on the gardens , the comfort , the hadiths ? yes Muslim men will be served wine and will enjoy MARRIAGE in heaven , so will women.

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Allah only saves those whom he wants. (Surah 14:4)..........God saves all those who will receive Jesus Christ as Savior.(2 Peter 3:9; 1 John 2:2; Luke 19:10)"

Lets quote the verse

"4. We sent not an apostle except (to teach) in the language of his (own) people, in order to make (things) clear to them. Now Allah leaves straying those whom He pleases and guides whom He pleases: and He is Exalted in power, full of Wisdom."
Now the context is clear , Allah saves and leaves astray based on their reaction to his revelation , how is the different from the Christian perspective ?

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Salvation is never guaranteed (outside of jihad and martyrdom).(Surah 3:157; Hadith 1.35)" 

How many times do I have to explain the concept of salvation in Islam ? we as Muslims have the assurance that we are saved , because the promise of God is true and he promised salvation to all those have faith , but salvation is conditional , you must die a Muslim in order to be saved that is why we don't walk around shouting "we are saved !" , we do not know the future , perhaps I might commit apostasy , shirk , blasphemy....etc , only arrogant people like most evangelical Christians can make this absurd claim , because it contradicts the bible when it says :

By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:2)
Paul puts a condition for salvation , you must hold to the word he preached in order to be saved , this is not different from the Islamic perspective of conditional salvation.

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"Muhammed himself did not know his eternal destiny. Why follow a man who does not know God’s plan for his eternal life? (Hadith 5.266)" 

This claim is as false as it gets ! please consult this amazing article by Bassam Zawadi.

More Evidence Proving That Ergun Caner Is A Fake [Glossary of Arabic Terms]

By Chaud  

There are some serious errors in this PDF , no former Muslim who speaks Arabic can make these mistakes but the problem does not stop there , Ergun has made some fatal factual errors ,and major theological errors as well.

Some of these terms are defined from Ergun's theological point of view , this PDF is not supposed to be an apologetic paper , it is a GLOSSARY OF (Islamic) ARABIC TERMS ; meaning Ergun's PDF was supposed to provide definitions for Islamic terms from the Arabic language and from it's Islamic definition , not from Ergun's superstitions.

Now to the errors and objections:

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"ALLAH: The God of Islam." 

Is this an Arabic definition or blunder from Ergun's mind ? Where can we find an Arabic dictionary or even an Islamic dictionary that defines the word "Allah" [الله] as "The God of Islam" ?

Any Muslim or former Muslim knows that the word "Allah"[الله] means "The One God" , all Arabic speakers know that "Allah"[الله] is the standard Arabic word used for God , it was used by Arabic speaking pagans and still used by Arabic speaking Muslims , Christians and Jews.

Islam does not teach the term "God of Islam" to begin with , anyone who knows the religion of Islam knows that it teaches that Allah [الله] is also the God of all people , Jews , Christians...etc , but some people have made false claims against Allah (swt) , they worship idols , men , animals , man-made doctrines...etc , this never meant that the one God Allah [الله] creator of the heavens and the earth is not their God because he created them , and on the day of judgment they will be judged by him.

This definition Ergun raises a lot of problems , if Allah [الله] means "The God of Islam" then what can explain this ?

1- The usage of the word Allah [الله] in the Old Testament:

                 [فِي الْبَدْءِ خَلَقَ اللهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ" [ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 1:1"
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." [Genesis 1:1] 

So according to Ergun , in the beginning "The God of Islam" created the heavens and earth , this is coming from someone who called Allah (swt) a false idol.

2- The usage of the word Allah [الله] in the New Testament:

    [لأَنَّهُ هكَذَا أَحَبَّ اللهُ الْعَالَمَ حَتَّى بَذَلَ ابْنَهُ الْوَحِيدَ، لِكَيْ لاَ يَهْلِكَ كُلُّ مَنْ يُؤْمِنُ بِهِ، بَلْ تَكُونُ لَهُ الْحَيَاةُ الأَبَدِيَّةُ" [ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ 3:16

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." [John 3:16]

So according to Ergun , "The God of Islam" gave his one and only son ? This man rants on how Allah and Jehovah are not the same because of this in most of his public talks , his claims on this topic have been addressed here.

3- The usage of the word Allah [الله] in the trinity.

We all know the trinity is a fundamental difference between mainstream Christianity and Islam , yet Arab Christians use the word Allah [الله] to refer to God and the persons who make up the God-head.

الله الأب meaning God the Father                                                                                                  
الله الابن mean God the Son
الله الروح القدس meaning God the Holy Spirit 

So do 3 "Gods of Islam" make up the God-head Ergun believes in ? 

4- The usage of the word Allah [الله] by Ergun himself.

For example in one Ergun Caner's gibberish sprees , claiming to be speaking Turkish (or Arabic) to his father he says "Isa Ibn Allah" , so is he saying that Jesus is the son of "The God of Islam" ?

If Ergun defined the word Allah [الله] correctly , he would have never got into this huge mess. 

Ergun Caner's PDF says : 

"AYISHA: Muhammed’s wife, married to him at age six. She was also the daughter of Abu Bakr." 

This is no a sufficient definition I expect from a scholar of religion , the marriage (or engagement) was establish when she was 6 but the consummation was when she was 9 , Ergun left this detail out to deceive the people reading it in order to spread his false propaganda.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234 (bold emphasis is mine):

Narrated Aisha:

The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236:

Narrated Hisham's father:

Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.
What Ergun stated was not the full definition of who Aisha is in Islam , adding "he and consummated the marriage when she was 9" is not hard , but Ergun leaves this out to spread his falsehood , or because he does not know this !

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"BEHESHT: “Paradise.”

Oh dear God ! What is this ? This is not Arabic ! I have no idea what this word is or which language it came from.

The Arabic word for paradise is "Jannah" [جَنّة] , it used over and over in the Quran ! how can a  former Muslim not know this ? how can a person claiming to be a speaker of Arabic make this mistake unless he never spoke Arabic his entire life.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"DHUL-HIJJAH: Islamic Holiday, called the “Day of Arafat.” "

There are multiple factual errors here.

1- "Dhul-Hijjah" is a month on the Islamic calender , this is the month of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, again when no warfare or fighting is allowed. (source)

2- We do not have a holiday called Dhul-Hijjah , in Islam we ONLY have 2 holidays , Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha.

3- The Day of Arafat is not an Islamic holiday either , that is the day in which the people making pilgrimage stand on the Mount Arafat and worship God , it is recommend for Muslims around the rold to fast that day but all this does not make the day of Arafat a holiday.

Ergun confuses the month of Dhul-Hijjah with the holidays and religious events in it , this begs the question , did Ergun celebrate any major Muslim holiday in his life ?

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"INJIL: The New Testament Gospels, redacted and revised in the Quran." 

1- Injil [إنجيل] in Arabic means "the good news", not "The New Testament Gospels" which is [أناجيل العهد الجديد] in Arabic.

In the Arabic usage of the word Injil [إنجيل] (and Islamic in some cases) , it can mean "The New Testament Gospels" depending on the context but if this was supposed to be a glossary of (Islamic) Arabic terms , then he should also mention that "The Injil" in Islam is the revelation given to Jesus (pbuh).

2- When Ergun says "redacted and revised in the Quran"  , this is true because we as Muslims believe that the Quran abrogates the Gospel of Jesus Christ (pbuh) and it corrects the current New Testament Gospels by bring the original message of Jesus (pbuh) and exposing its falsehood.

The reason why I am objecting to this is because this unscholarly definition does not convey sufficiently the meaning of Injil [إنجيل] in Arabic or in Islam , but leaves the reader in a state of confusion.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"ISHMAEL: First son of Abraham through Hagar, Sarah’s maidservant. Muslims believe Allah has a covenant with Ishmael, not Issac. Genesis 16: 1-16." 

Readers , believe me when I say I can't write a better joke than this ! Did Ergun read the Quran once in his whole lifetime ? was he a Muslim ? the answer beyond any reasonable doubt is NO !

He says "Muslims believe Allah has a covenant with Ishmael, not Issac" , this is false , we Muslims believe in the prophet hood of Issac (pbuh) and Ishmael (pbuh) , Allah (swt) made a covenant with both of them , we do not make any difference between them , we respect them both equally and revere them both as prophets who were chosen by God to deliver his divine message.

The Muslim position regarding both prophet Issac ,prophet Ishmael and all the prophets (peace be upon them all) as the Quran says :

"Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)."" (Sura 3:84 , bold and underline is mine)

Former Muslim ? I don't think so.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"JIHAD: “Holy fighting.”"
This mistake is usually made by fake ex-muslims who resent Islam , just like Ergun.

Jihad in Islam has multiple and a wide definitions depending on context , but there is not a single authoritative definition that says "Holy fighting" , in the context of war , Jihad does mean to fight back the enemy in the name of God , but this is no the greater meaning of Jihad in Islam or Arabic , for more about this please read this (recommended reading before you continue)

In the Arabic language Jihad means "to strive" or "to struggle" , in Islam it means to strive for righteousness , for example it takes "Jihad" [جهاد] to resist alcohol .

The problem with Christians who adhere to the false definition is that they do not know the same word "Jihad" [جهاد] in their bible , and in the Arabic New Testaments to be specific. (Source)

Luke 22:44
وَإِذْ كَانَ فِي جِهَادٍ كَانَ يُصَلِّي بِأَشَدِّ لَجَاجَةٍ، وَصَارَ عَرَقُهُ كَقَطَرَاتِ دَمٍ نَازِلَةٍ عَلَى الأَرْضِ.

Philippians 1:30
إِذْ لَكُمُ الْجِهَادُ عَيْنُهُ الَّذِي رَأَيْتُمُوهُ فِيَّ، وَالآنَ تَسْمَعُونَ فِيَّ.

Colossians 2:1
فَإِنِّي أُرِيدُ أَنْ تَعْلَمُوا أَيُّ جِهَادٍ لِي لأَجْلِكُمْ، وَلأَجْلِ الَّذِينَ فِي لاَوُدِكِيَّةَ، وَجَمِيعِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يَرَوْا وَجْهِي فِي الْجَسَدِ،

1 Thessalonians 2:2
بَلْ بَعْدَ مَا تَأَلَّمْنَا قَبْلاً وَبُغِيَ عَلَيْنَا كَمَا تَعْلَمُونَ، فِي فِيلِبِّي، جَاهَرْنَا فِي إِلهِنَا أَنْ نُكَلِّمَكُمْ بِإِنْجِيلِ اللهِ، فِي جِهَادٍ كَثِيرٍ.

1 Timothy 6:12
جَاهِدْ جِهَادَ الإِيمَانِ الْحَسَنَ، وَأَمْسِكْ بِالْحَيَاةِ الأَبَدِيَّةِ الَّتِي إِلَيْهَا دُعِيتَ أَيْضًا، وَاعْتَرَفْتَ الاعْتِرَافَ الْحَسَنَ أَمَامَ شُهُودٍ كَثِيرِينَ

2 Timothy 4:7 
قَدْ جَاهَدْتُ الْجِهَادَ الْحَسَنَ، أَكْمَلْتُ السَّعْيَ، حَفِظْتُ الإِيمَانَ،

Hebrews 12:1
لِذلِكَ نَحْنُ أَيْضًا إِذْ لَنَا سَحَابَةٌ مِنَ الشُّهُودِ مِقْدَارُ هذِهِ مُحِيطَةٌ بِنَا، لِنَطْرَحْ كُلَّ ثِقْل، وَالْخَطِيَّةَ الْمُحِيطَةَ بِنَا بِسُهُولَةٍ، وَلْنُحَاضِرْ بِالصَّبْرِ فِي الْجِهَادِ الْمَوْضُوعِ أَمَامَنَا،

Go to any English translation of these verses , somehow it will always have a positive meaning of struggling and putting effort for the truth , did the Arab Christians make a mistake ? because according to Ergun , it seems like Jesus was on an unjustified violent holy war , Paul was on an unjustified violent holy war , and all Christians are commanded to go on a violent unjustified holy war as well.

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"JINN: Angels of Allah." 

What the.....??? This is hilarious !

Jinns are not the Angels of Allah ! where did this guy learn Islam from ? Muslims ! don't send your kids to the "madrassa" Ergun attended as a child !

The Angels of Allah in Arabic is [ملائكة الله] , Jinn is [جن] , do they look alike ? do they even have the same meaning ? how can any one claiming to be a former Muslim make this mistake ? perhaps one of Ergun's victims...oh ! I mean "students" wrote this glossary. 

Jinns [جن] are beings created from fire , invisible to the human eye , we know about them from the Quran:

"He created the human from a clay, like pottery. And the Jinn He created from a smokeless fire." (Sura 55:14-15 , bold and underline are mine)
Angels [ملائكة] are created from light according to Islam.

Ergun Caner's PDF says:

"MINARET: Prayer tower in the Mosque, where the muazzein calls Muslims for rakats."

Ergun was doing great until the last word "rakat" , only an amateur who never prayed the Muslim prayer would make this mistake.

A Muazzein calls the Muslims for "SALAH" [صلاة] (prayer) not "rakat"[ركعات] (this word is the plural of "raka" [ركعة]. )

A "raka" [ركعة] is a certain stage in the prayer [صلاة] ,  this a picture of a Muslim doing a "raka" [ركعة] :

Ergun mistakes the general prayer with a certain stage in it , and people want me to believe he was a devout Muslim ?

Ergun Caner's PDF says :

"SAWN: Fasting during Ramadan. One of the five pillars." 

 This is one of Ergun's biggest mistakes , my friend Muhammad Khan (creator of the Fake Ex-Muslims website , and the Ergun Caner videos on youtube) used a clip of Ergun using this term as if it is the real Islamic term IN ARABIC , and now he enlists this mistake here , this is not the Arabic word for fasting ,it doesn't even come close to the real Arabic term.

The word for fasting during Ramadan is [ صيام ]  (Siyyam) .
The word above in Arabic becomes [ صوان ] .

Do they even look alike ? I can't believe Ergun said this in public !


Ergun never spoke Arabic a day in his life , Ergun was never a Muslim a day in his life , this "glossary" is a beckon of intellectual dishonesty and deceit.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Response to "Arabs Don’t Want Palestinian Conflict to End"

By Chaud

Frankly this post is too short and confusing to make such a claim , it goes into different topics which are irrelevant to the Palestinian conflict , however I will do my best in.

"An Egyptian sociologist and the founder of the Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies in Cairo, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, a Muslim, says Arab countries do not want the Israel-Palestinian conflict to end because they have “vested interests.”"

This is wrong , ARAB LEADERS do not want to end this Palestinian conflict , many of these "leaders" are dictators who sold out their own people and allied themselves with western dictatorships and terrorists , but the Arab public view wants to end the conflict.

The truth is that The United States of America , Israel and some country called Micronesia vote against the 2 state settlement every single year while the remaining countries that vote for the 2 state settlement , who REALLY does not want to end the conflict ? The Zionist Jews and their supporters based on their satanic scriptures that teach that God is so racist he has "chosen people" , he kicked out and destroyed nations so his "chosen people" can live happily ever after , I seriously doubt if any Zionist cares about one Palestinian because in the Zionist ideology the end of the conflict is to destroy the Palestinians , no wonder Arabs and Muslims reject such a state and such an ideology.

"these countries were the architects of the present-day nightmares that Israelis and Palestinians live through. They urged Palestinian leaders to reject the two-state solution in 1947, resulting into Palestinians living as refugees in their own land." 

Lets examine this western propaganda influenced lie.

1- Why on earth should the Palestinians or Arab countries accept the 2 state solution of 1947 ? There is no good reason and no decent human being on this planet will accept such an injustice if he/she was in that situation , just because a number of Jews "survived" the so called "holocaust" and migrated to Palestine does not entitle these Jews and the Jews abroad to have a state of their own on land that doesn't belong to them , therefore I do not any fault in rejected this so called solution at that time.

2-Palestinians live as refugees in their lands BECAUSE THE ZIONISTS STOLE THEIR LAND , COMMIT ALL KINDS OF TORTURE  ,GENOCIDE AND TERRORISM AGAINST THEM , is this the result of rejecting an unfair agreement , or is it the result of western supported Zionist-Jewish terrorism ?

3-The architects of the current nightmare Palestinians and non-zionist Jews live are no more than the creators and supporters of the satanic state of Israel itself.

For Hussein to successfully launch this lie , he must show us that the 2 state solution of 1947 was the best solution for its time and by rejecting it the Arab leaders are directly responsible for the current conflict, that Jews actually have a right to establish their own state on Palestinian lands WITHOUT appealing to ancient Judea and the Jewish existence in the land before the Romans kicked them out because events that happened 2000 years ago are not valid arguments to create a whole new state and dislocate it's people today , let alone all the terrorism committed against them.

"I went to school with some Palestinian Muslims and Christians. Some of them still live in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. I hope and pray for this conflict to end soon." 

So do I.

"I believe that Israel has a right to be a country in the Middle East." 

I believe the satanic state of Israel does not have a right to exist as a country in the Middle East , it never did and will , and I am not convinced by the argument Zionist apologists use.

"and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ does NOT depend on the rebuilding of the Temple on the Temple Mount."

Here is where it gets confusing , I thought Hussein supports the satanic state of Israel's existence (frankly I think he does that because he is anti-Muslim , not because he is an objective thinker when it comes to politics) , anyone who supports the satanic state of Israel is a Zionist , however Hussein is distancing himself away the Zionist Christian ideology which calls for the Jews return to Palestine , and rebuilding of the temple in order for anti-christ...opps ! I'm sorry "Jesus" to come back.

I have no idea where Hussein stands , is he is a Zionist Christian or not ? perhaps he supports the existence of the satanic state of Israel itself politically , but does not believe Zionist Christianity , if this is his stand then he is the first I've ever met who holds this idea.

"However, the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock have no right to be on the Temple Mount either, because, contrary to what Muslims say, the Hadith shows that Prophet Muhammad did not ascended to the seven heavens from there. He actually had a dream that he was in Jerusalem prior to the alleged ascension. Why any Muslim would shed his or her blood over Muhammad’s dream or vision causes me to wonder." 

A clear case of double standard hypocrisy , I have a question.
Hussein rejects the Muslim theological claim about the Aqsa and Dome of the Rock, then on what is he resting the case for whatever he believes should be or was on the temple mount ? mainly how Jesus will rebuild the temple, does he base that belief on historical grounds ? heck no.

If you understood and answered the question , then you will have to conclude that this is double standard hypocrisy.

Now as for the night journey , I will writing a whole article on this in the future inshalla since Hussein and many other Christians claim it was a dream , when the Quran , the evidence and hadith point to 2 conclusions , either a physical assent or a spiritual assent (his spirit left his body) , a "dream" was never a dominant and legitimate argument explaining the night journey itself , for more on this please read.

"Arab countries want this conflict to continue because they benefit financially from the plight of their fellow Arabs in Palestine and Lebanon refugee camps." 

Or because their "leaders" sold out.

Has Hussein ever been into a refugee camp ? No state can make money out of those settlements , I actually live near them so I know what they are exactly.

"Islam and Muslims claim the victim status for a reason." 

I hope Hussein provides that reason so we can discuss it , and we are victims of what exactly ?

"From the widely known claim that Christians and Jews removed references to Prophet Muhammad in the Bible" 

True , Christians and Jews altered their scriptures in various ways , from Jews altering their scriptures to deny that a gentile prophet will be sent (because of their racist belief that they are some kind of "chosen people") all the way to Christians claiming that "That Prophet" who is mentioned in the bible is some holy spirit who guides them , lives inside them or whatever.

"to Muslims being “randomly” screened at airports." 

Actually they are being upfront about it , there is nothing "random" in it , anyone who has been in the small white room in the back of JFK airport knows exactly what I mean .

"Lastly, non-Palestinian Arabs do not want this conflict to end because they do not want the world to look at the Islamic ideology a fresh."
This is so absurd I have no response to such ignorance , what is the evidence for this ? I would love to find a historian or a political scientist that backs up this theory.

"Had this conflict not being constantly in the news, the debate would have shifted to the prophethood of Muhammad, the infallibility of the Qur’an and the legitimacy of the Islamic ideology. The cracks in the Crescent would have been carefully scrutinized."
As if these topics haven't been discussed in the past and will be discussed in the future , in fact we welcome these discussions as the Quran says :
Say: "Produce your proof if ye are truthful."
"Non-Muslims would not have been buying into the current propaganda that essentially misleads the masses to focus only on the first 12 years of Islam and ignore the last 10 years which defines authentic Islam."
First of all Muslims are not ashamed of the of the prophet hood of Muhammad (pbuh) , because it all defines authentic Islam , no Muslims solely focuses on the first 13 years or the last 10 , they see the Islam holistically in the light of all 23 years , not as 2 different phases as anti-islamic propaganda wants it to be.

In reality , the Meccan period focused on ethics and spirituality because it is the foundation of Islam , while the Maddinan period without neglecting ethics and spirituality focused on other issues as well like state laws and politics , both periods are authentic Islam weather Hussein likes it or not.

"We should start asking tough questions for the sake of peace in Palestine."

A person who supports the satanic state of Israel and still calls for peace in Palestine ? that has got to be the biggest contradiction I have ever seen ! No supporter of the satanic state of Israel wants peace with the Palestinians or peace in Palestine , they want "peace for the Jews" in the "Jewish state of Israel" with Palestinians either destroyed or out of the "promised land".
"Hopefully, with the end of this conflict, the right questions about Islam will be asked."
We all want this conflict to end , but this does not prevent anyone from asking questions about Islam.

Quoting Zayd from the comment section of Hussein's original article :
It is clear that it’s you Hussein who want not only the conflict not to finish but Islam to disapear, not only from Palestine so that “the Second Coming of Jesus Christ does NOT depend on the rebuilding of the Temple on the Temple Mount” but from the entire planet. What civility and tolerance ..
I totally agree.